I wonder if you're noticing a shift since the eclipse? I've been in a "slough of despond", accompanied by agitation and generally feeling like crap. Then I remembered the eclipse. How easy it is to forget our animal natures, and of course - why wouldn't we be affected by a major planetary transit? I am starting to feel better. Coincidence? Who knows...
I had a really similar relational shift over the last days with my sorrow. What if I just offered it love, rather than wished it were different?
p.s Also... what a beautiful moment to behold as a group, and profound lesson for us all. Thank you for sharing it.
I wonder if you're noticing a shift since the eclipse? I've been in a "slough of despond", accompanied by agitation and generally feeling like crap. Then I remembered the eclipse. How easy it is to forget our animal natures, and of course - why wouldn't we be affected by a major planetary transit? I am starting to feel better. Coincidence? Who knows...
I hope the gloom lifts for you soon, Richard.
This is beautiful Rich, sending you much love. I feel sure that after this dissonant movement, the consonance will be overwhelmingly gorgeous.
thank you buddy, miss you
mm. beautifully shared, rich. thank you for putting it out there. it made me think of this recent episode with David Whyte about listening for the invitation in the grief or the mourning: https://www.resources.soundstrue.com/podcast/david-whyte-everything-is-an-invitation/
"can I observe the experience as if I were listening to a symphony orchestrated by an intelligent Composer?" << beautiful invitation 🎵❤️